Rental Returns & Exchanges

What to consider before returning your instrument.

  • Keep up your hard work over the summer.

    Keep up the hard work your student has built all year by practicing over the summer. Plus, you can enjoy the same month-to-month plan during the school break. It's also a good time to bring it in for a check-up with our repair staff.

  • Give your brain a workout.

    Research has shown the wide-ranging benefits playing music has for childhood cognitive development. From enhanced language and literacy rates to improved creativity and memory, music education can boost brain function at every level.

  • Try something new!

    Talk to your music teacher or one of our music experts if your student is interested in trying a new instrument over the summer! You can exchange to a different instrument at Ward-Brodt Music at any time. Many students find their instrument through trial and error, and summer break is the perfect opportunity for your child to discover a new instrument.

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